Lisa Pettit has 20 years of design experience. She specializes in wine labels, book design, identities, and signage. She has designed books, posters, and more for the Seattle Art Museum, Dale Chihuly, the Henry Art Gallery, WinetrailsNW and more.

Lisa Pettit Designs clients include: Seattle Art Museum, Dale Chihuly/Portland Press, The Henry Art Gallery, Cave B Estate Winery, WineTrailsNW, Vin du Lac Winery, Tildio Winery, Aikido Kids, Paddler's Supply, Joyce's Dog Obedience, Wooly Monkey, and Dog's Life.

Cabernet 2001 CAVE B front web.jpg
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LEHM DRY RIESLING 09frontHI web.jpg
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LEHM Chelan Rouge 07v2frontTTB_Frev web.jpg
VdL Barrel CAB SAUV03front web.jpg
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Sage Cliffe 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon front web.jpg
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